We went to the Zoo on Monday, Martin Luther King Day, with some friends from Dan and Jordan's ward.
Dan decided to rent a bicycle-buggy thing and it was way fun... but I don't think Dan anticipated how much work it was going to be to peddle that thing around. :) It was pretty much a free ride for me! I drove once and that turned out to be a bad idea.
Here's our first adventure on camera.
So I've always seen monkeys pick the bugs off of eachother and eat them on TV but this was pretty cool to catch them grooming right there in front of me. ... that sounded wierd.
This tiger was actually up in the tree. He seemed pretty intent on watching the other tree full of birds. Poor guy, I don't think he got any of them... unless he learned how to climb palm trees too.
We were so preoccupied with the tiger in the tree that we forgot to watch our buggy... :)
and noses...
I think the Giraffes are my favorite. They are just so funny looking... and they just look a little dumb, in an endearing sort of way. :)
Watching the Rhinos...
This elephant likes to do things the hard way, haha. :)
I just love this