Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun!!!

So, not only was Friday the best day of the year because it was Halloween... it was also Shannen's birthday! So we had double the fun with crazy costumes, Rob's fantastic skills as a Chef (he made the yummiest soup... mmmm) , and celebrating Shannen's Golden Birthday.

Dan and Jordan Robots from the distant future for Halloween. Those of you who have seen the HBO television show, Flight of the Chonchords, will appreciate this. HAHA! They look exactly like them!

This is Josh's impression of a robot. haha

And now... to the main event!

Hannah Montana and Lola Luftnagle!
haha - just kidding! But really, that's who Kalee and I dressed up as. Fun huh? I think we had more fun shopping for our costumes than actually wearing them. :) How do you like me as a blonde? I think Kalee has better pictures... at least I hope she does cuz these don't show off all my bling very well.

So this weekend, Amber and Nate had us over for dinner and to hang out for a bit. Unfortunately we had to run shortly after dinner... but we sure had fun while we were there!

Zoe munchkin getting into the ziploc baggies... Amber says this is one of her favorite toys. hahaha

She has the greatest faces don't you think? :)


The Chris Jackson's said...

Oh my goodness she is getting so big! Her hair is really getting long and thick. I bet that Amber is having a ball.....and A. Katie of course. :) Tori is going to be just like that when she starts to crawl and she sees daddy. She already tries to crawl up me when I am holding her and daddy comes home. They are the best! And the costumes were great....even though I can think of much better days of the year. ;)

Joycelyn said...

Cute! I can totally see Nathan in her eyes and her smile. :-) Hey, KJ, what camera or videocam are you using for your video clips? Just wondering.